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The Sleep Revolution

$17.99  $14.19
 Format: Audiobook, Hardcover, Kindle, Paperback  Author: Adriana Huffington  Category: Sleep  Publisher: Harmony  Published: April 4, 2017  ISBN: 110190402X  Pages: 416  Country: United States  Language: English  Dimension: 5.14 x 0.83 x 7.95 inches  Audible  Amazon  Kindle  Apple Books  Barnes & Noble  Walmart  Biblio  Thriftbooks

“The Sleep Revolution” by Arianna Huffington delves into the critical importance of sleep in our lives, highlighting the profound consequences of sleep deprivation on our health, relationships, work performance, and overall well-being. Huffington argues that we are currently facing a sleep deprivation crisis and proposes a “sleep revolution” to reclaim control of our lives by prioritizing and improving our sleep habits.

Drawing on the latest scientific research and insights from leading experts, Huffington explores various aspects of sleep, including its physiological and psychological effects, the role of dreams, the impact of technology on sleep patterns, and the consequences of sleep deprivation on our health. She also examines the history of sleep, the rise of the sleeping pill industry, and the emerging field of sleep science.

Throughout the book, Huffington provides practical recommendations and tips for achieving better sleep, emphasizing the importance of creating a conducive sleep environment and adopting healthy sleep habits. She highlights the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on various aspects of health, from weight gain and diabetes to heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Ultimately, “The Sleep Revolution” serves as a comprehensive and insightful exploration of sleep from multiple angles, advocating for a cultural shift towards prioritizing sleep and recognizing its vital role in promoting overall health and well-being. It aims to raise awareness about the global sleep crisis and offers a roadmap for individuals and communities to embrace the transformative power of quality sleep.

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