Gary Brecka’s Quotes

“I don’t eat a lot of carbohydrates before 2pm in the afternoon because carbohydrates are an energy vacuum. They’re thieves that will actually get into your gut and divert all that healthy oxygen and blood flow from your brain right down to your gut.”

―Gary Brecka

“I hear people all the time online saying ‘You should be Vegan, you should be Keto, you should be Paleo, you should be this, you should be that’. We should be eating a whole food diet. I have Vegan patients that are some of the sickest human beings that I have ever cared for in my life. I have meat eating patients that are some of the sickest human beings that I have ever cared for in my life. And you can make an argument for either. But the best argument is clean whole foods. Eating a whole food diet, obviously grass-fed meats, wild caught fish go a long way to improving our health.”

―Gary Brecka

“There’s a war on protein right now that I don’t understand because muscle is our metabolic currency. It’s an organ. It’s like our skin is an organ, but our muscle is an organ too. There’s something called ‘sarcopenia’ which is age-related muscle wasting and it’s directly tied to all-cause mortality because the weaker our muscles and the fat to muscle ratio the higher the incidence of all-cause mortality. The less mobile we are. The more prone we are to joint injury.”

―Gary Brecka
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