Gary Brecka’s Quotes
I hear people all the time online saying ‘You should be Vegan, you should be Keto, you should be Paleo, you should be this, you should be that’. We should be eating a whole food diet. I have Vegan patients that are some of the sickest human beings that I have ever cared for in my life. I have meat eating patients that are some of the sickest human beings that I have ever cared for in my life. And you can make an argument for either. But the best argument is clean whole foods. Eating a whole food diet, obviously grass-fed meats, wild caught fish go a long way to improving our health.
―Gary Brecka
I don’t eat a lot of carbohydrates before 2pm in the afternoon because carbohydrates are an energy vacuum. They’re thieves that will actually get into your gut and divert all that healthy oxygen and blood flow from your brain right down to your gut.
―Gary Brecka
“Calorie is a measure of heat, then when heat is leaving our bodies, guess what else is leaving our bodies? Calories. If you actually read the story of Michael Phelps when he went to Beijing to compete in the Olimpics, his count went to 10,000 calories a day. Why did this happen? Not because his training regimen changed but because the pool he was in was 4 degrees colder than the pool he was used to train in. Water is 29 times more thermogenic than air so when we get into cold water our liver panics and it floods the bloodstream with something called cold shock protein, these are miracle proteins that will scour our body of free radicals oxidation and they will quadruple the rate of protein synthesis muscle repair.”
―Gary Brecka
If you’re creating thoughts at a faster rate than you’re breaking them down, then the mind gets cloudy. And this is what we call attention deficit disorder.
―Gary Brecka
Syncing your daily activities with your circadian rhythm can improve your overall mental health. Engage in stimulating activities and social interactions during the day, and establish a calming evening routine to manage stress and mood. To unwind, consider reading, gentle yoga, meditation, contrast therapy, and reducing screen time.
―Gary Brecka
Children are unable to effectively process folic acid, a common nutrient found in many foods. By removing folic acid from their diet and providing them with a supplement of Methyl folate, consisting of specific B vitamins and certain amino acids, we observe a remarkable transformation in their cognitive abilities. Their minds now possess the capacity to process and organize thoughts leading to a big change in their cognitive development.
―Gary Brecka
Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort. The presence of oxygen is the absence of disease.
If your morning is hard, your day will be easy. If your morning is easy, your day will be hard.
―Gary Brecka
If you don’t load a bone, it won’t strengthen. If you don’t actually tear a muscle it won’t grow. If you don’t challenge the immune system, it will weaken. So by actually challenging the body, we strengthen the body. By stressing the body, we strengthen the body. And physical stress improves our resilience to mental stress. That’s a biophysiologic fact, by the way.
So, your morning routine, not only determines the trajectory of your day, it determines the trajectory of the rest of your life.
―Gary Brecka
The presence of oxygen equates to the absence of disease as every disease known to humanity stems from a lack of oxygen. To maintain good health, prioritize activities that ensure proper oxygenation of your body, such as regular exercise, deep breathing, and spending time in fresh air.
―Gary Brecka
Things that enter our body go through a process called methylation where the body takes it and converts it into usable form. If your body can’t make this conversion, you have a deficiency. It is this deficiency that is robbing you of a state of being optimal. Once you identify the deficiency and supplement it, you’ll be able to give your body the material it needs to thrive.
―Gary Brecka
There’s a war on protein right now that I don’t understand because muscle is our metabolic currency. It’s an organ. It’s like our skin is an organ, but our muscle is an organ too. There’s something called ‘sarcopenia’ which is age-related muscle wasting and it’s directly tied to all-cause mortality because the weaker our muscles and the fat to muscle ratio the higher the incidence of all-cause mortality. The less mobile we are. The more prone we are to joint injury.
―Gary Brecka
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