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Holistic Dental Care

$16.95  $14.41
 Format: Audiobook, Kindle, Paperback  Author: Nadine Artemis  Category: Dental, Medical  Publisher: North Atlantic Books  Published: October 8, 2013  ISBN: 1583947205  Pages: 153  Country: United States  Language: English  Dimension: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches  Audible  Amazon  Kindle  Apple Books  Barnes & Noble  Walmart  Biblio  Thriftbooks  eBay

“Holistic Dental Care” is your comprehensive guide to natural, do-it-yourself oral care. Authored by dental health expert Nadine Artemis, this book empowers readers with simple yet effective at-home dental procedures, accompanied by fifty-three full-color photos and illustrations.

Artemis takes a “whole body approach” to oral health, addressing the root causes of dental issues rather than merely treating symptoms. By exploring the ecology of the mouth, readers gain insights into the physiology of the teeth and learn about the sources of bacteria and decay.

Throughout the book, Artemis exposes the harmful effects of artificial chemicals found in conventional toothpastes and mouthwashes, as well as the risks associated with mercury fillings. Instead, she advocates for safer alternatives, such as ceramic fillings, and emphasizes the benefits of botanical substances and plant extracts for maintaining oral health.

From healthy nutrition to oral care for children, “Holistic Dental Care” covers a wide range of topics. Artemis introduces an eight-step self-dentistry protocol that offers an effective way to prevent decay, inflammation, plaque build-up, and more.

Whether you’re looking to prevent dental issues or gently restore dental health, this book provides practical strategies and practices that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine.

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